Only few people knew and experienced on how to make money by blogging. I’m one of those few. Before, I don’t know how to make a blog and even don’t know that it can give a steady income as long as you are willing to work hard.
For me, my blogs don’t only exist to make money: it is more than money that I build several blogs I have now. However, I admit that money is the bloodline of your website. As a blogger, you must pay for web hosting and other maintenance of your site so one source of money to pay for it is the money that your blog makes.
Some blogs exist solely for hobby of the owner while other blogs are really meant to make some extra income for the blogger. I think it is not bad to make money from your website as long as you are doing what is right and helpful for your readers and visitors.
There are many trash websites out there intended only for money. You can easily distinguish these sites from good one. If you accidentally visited these kind of sites, you will notice that the site has more advertisements than its content.
As a suggestion: don’t make blogs solely for money, invest in your website by adding and posting quality articles and content. I’m sure your hard work will pay off in the future.
I listed below some of the ways on how to monetize your blog. These methods are easy to carry out and I also done it and currently using some of the monetization methods that mentioned below.
1. Google Adsense
Without a doubt, Google Adsense is the best and easiest way to make money from your blog. It is one of the services offered by Google to bloggers and website owners so they can earn from the advertisements appearing in their site.
It is commonly called Adsense as a way to shorten the phrase. In order to be a part of Adsense program, you have to apply first for an account. Basically, the requirement is you to have a website or blog with sufficient content and enough visitors to your site.
If you’re blog is new and you don’t have enough visitors (maybe around 50 to 100 visitors per day), there is a high chance that your application will be rejected. Before you apply for an Adsense account, make sure that your blog has good contents and regular visitors preferably coming from search engines.
There are several ways on how to earn from Adsense. It can be through your blog’s content, through search, feeds and more. After the approval of your application, you can create ad unit or channel that you should put into your blog so Google Ads will start appearing on your site.
According to Google, the revenue share of Adsense is as follows: for Adsense for Content – 68% goes to publisher, 32% goes to Google. While for Adsense for Search, 51% of revenue goes to publisher while 49% goes to Google.
money blog
2. Infolinks
Infolinks is another monetization strategy that you can use to make money from your blog. I’vee been using this one for quite sometime but have not able to get a single payment because I didn’t yet reach the threshold limit for payment. Hopefully before June of this year, I’ll reach the payment limit and cash out my earnings through PayPal .
Similar with Adsense, you also have to apply for an Infolinks account so you could put a code to your blog and then ads will start appearing. Infolinks has different forms of ads compared with Adsense because it uses the in-line text ads. Maybe you notice the double underlined words when you visit some blogs. When you hover your mouse to the word, a window will pop out containing the ads.
Infolinks is just a supplement for Adsense and will never beat the income Adsense is giving to blog owners. It has lower cost-per-click and revernue per thousand impression than Adsense.
3. Chitika
Chitika is another way to earn from your blog which is much similar with Google Adsense. You also need to apply for an account if you want to use this monetization to your blog.
The difference between Chitika and Adsense is the way they show ads. In Chitika, you will see the ads together with a n image while in Adsense you can only see either an image or text ads and it will not appear at the same time.
Chitika will be best used if your blog has traffic from US and Canada because most of the ads are coming from those countries. While waiting for the approval of Adsense application, you can use this temporarily.
4. Be an Affiliate
Another way to earn money from your blog is through affiliate commissions. in this way, you will promote other people’s products on your site by adding a referral link or banner to your content or in the side bars.
When a visitor click and use the link or banner and then buy the product, you will earn some commission from the sale depending on agreed terms and conditions between you and the product owner.
Right now, I’m starting to place some affiliate banners like what you see on the right side bar. It is the banner of HostGator, a web hosting company.
Some of the most popular affiliate sites in the Internet today are ClickBank, Amazon Affiliate, and Commission Junction. I’ll be discussing these site more deeply in the succeeding posts that I’ll publish to give more information on how to be an affiliate. Hopefully this year I can start a website that will focus on Amazon products.
5. Direct Advertisement
Some blogs earn more money from direct advertisements. These ads are from people or companies who will contact you to advertise on your site. Therefore, it is important to put a contact page in your site or even better if you have a page where advertisers will know something about your blog, your advertisement rate and the number of visitors your blog is receving.
Normally, most blogs offer advertising options to advertisers in the forms of banners and sponsored posts. I notice that a 125 x 125 mm banner is the most common size most blogs offer to people who want to advertise.
Can I Use all these Monetization Methods?
Yes. However, you should make sure that each method is distinguishable from each other because Adsense is very strict about how their ads must appear on your site. The best way to do this is by making the color of each method different from each other. No two methods should have the same color. You will learn more about how and what should you do about the implementation of ads by carefully reading the terms and conditions of Adsense, Infolinks and Chitika.
In addition, don’t put too many ads to your blog because it is not helpful for readers and visitors. They will be distracted if you place many ads. Currently, I’m only using three ad units for each blog that I have to balance the earning potential and visitor’s satisfaction.
Five Easy Ways to Monetize your Blog |
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 | 4:24 PM
make money online
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